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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

BO ZENG BBOC, My Escondido: 写给美国,和中华儿女有得一拼。

BO ZENG BBOC, My Escondido: 写给美国,和中华儿女有得一拼。: 原来想命题是《美国这个国家》。后来一想,我的经历和精力都还很有限,几百字是不可能写完的;美国这个地方也很多面,不方便一言以蔽之。当然我开头这么正式千万不要误解我的诚意,我就是随便说说,凑凑字数。 首先美国和中国一样也是一个精英社会 。两个国家精英数目与群众数目的比例都很小,精英...


美国资本家繁荣的背后,带来的却是公共服务的消沉。来到美国,很多人都惊叹美国公共建设方面的“落后”。当然大部分人都不以为耻,反以为荣,说这是美国政府清廉。好像美国摩根大通那几百米的摩天大厦和荒淫奢侈的富丽装潢就不是犯罪似的。在美国,政府是弱势,是给资本家打工的,当然显不得眼。美国政府的“勤俭节约”,给民众就能带来实实在在的好处么?你去CITY HALL 排队办身份卡看看,你去USPS排队寄个邮件看看,你去各“大”火车站买票等个车看看。政府大楼的破败折射的,其实是公共资源的枯竭和残缺。美国的高速公路多少年没有修过了。美国的火车现在还能让你坐个1天1夜(州内)。与资本市场异常发达所对应的,缺失公共服务的残败。残败阿,真的是残败。教育,医疗,卫生,交通,这些最基本的东西在资本家的眼里,可不是给董事局产生高额回报的投资对象。他们上学可以去常春藤,旅行自己有房车,邮寄东西直接找UPS DHL,看病有私家医生,吃饭去最好的餐馆。这些人当然不会关心公共事业,更加不知道市政大厅里面排满200人的时候,一共也只有1排张残破不堪的烂凳子,工作人员领的是上不起学的工资。还什么饮水机中央空调瓷砖地面现代化电脑高效服务无差错办事,统统见鬼去吧。

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Elementary User Guide for elderly people to iPhone 3GS

How to use Your iPhone 3GS:  

Edited by Bo Zeng, 8/9/2011

  iPhone is the most popular Smart Phone around those days, for it delivers a revolutionary experience, a whole new way of using your phone as no ordinary phone. It should impress you in your life. Behold the miracle Apple designed for you.

  iPhone 3GS is the predecessor for its current version iPhone 4. Apple is rumored to release the next iPhone 5 this coming Fall. 3Gs has become a great deal for those who are not gear sensitive (ie. slower CPUs and smaller RAM, slightly lower resolution in their camera shots). It’s the cheapest iPhone in today’s market that supports iOs 4.3.3 and a whole bunch of great apps that are designed for the fancier iPhone4 and iPads. 2000RMB (you should easily find 320~USD deals in Ebay for jailbroken Iphone 3GSs) for this phone is really finding a treasure in the chest. Savor it!

Open the box:
When you open the box, what you should see is a new phone in its original protection cover. (with USB Dock Cable and a pair of Apple Ear Phone)

Software Preparation:

In order to sync and best control your phone (namely, transferring files, adding musics and managing software downloads and iTunes accounts), you need a PC or Mac Computer with a common USB connection host. 

Unlike any other phone, Your iphone can only be connect to your computer through a software called iTunes. (please download iTunes from read how to use it online)

Connect your phone using the accompanied USB dock cable to your computer.

Do NOT Ever Update or Restore your phone through iTunes. Because your iphone is a JailBroken Phone (which means it is not legal, it is shipped from US to China illegally and you are using a China Mobile SIM Card in lieu of AT&T Card) 
If you clicked update or accepted any sort of upgrade through iTunes, you will NOT be able to use your iPhone in China (nor can you use pirate softwares)

Adding Music:
First please read and learn how to use iTunes beforehand. Then, simply drag any music files you have in iTunes to your device (listed in the left panel)

Difference from other ordinary Phone:

You will not be able to simply “open” your phone in your computer and copy mp3 files to your phone folder. Everything has to go through iTunes. iTunes takes care of categorizing your music and processing album pictures, song volumes and cross-over effects.

Downloading Free Software:

Now that this device is jail broken, you can download free softwares (which is otherwise several to several hundred dollars each) from your Phone:

Connecting to Wifi:
Choose “Preference” (设置) in your home screen:
Choose Wifi and set up your Wifi there they way you are familiar with in your computer:

Opening Installous
When your iPhone gets jailbroken, it automatically comes with Cydia (meaning Source) and several sources where you can download basic apps. Download Installous from Cydia (add as ipa source) and Bingo. 
and Look for Installous: (once you added the ipa source. for details please visit, iphone 3gs zone )
Installous is the software that lets you download pirate Apps in your iphone. So DO NOT uninstall it. (actually you can't without going into Cydia to manage)
Find it in the second page of your homescreen (by sliding your finger on the screen). Choose Categories (分类) or Search (搜索):

Or look at All Applications to see what is hot:
you search for the popular “Angry Birds” for instance:

A list of results pops up. Simply tapping in the one you wanted, It will tell you where to download it and who cracked it. (choose one for faster speed).
Simply follow all the instructions to download this IPA file (like EXE files in your PC)

Tab Download (下载) to check out with current downloads or those downloaded before.  Tab any file to view a list of options:

Install, Send this IPA, or delete. 

choose install to install this App. remember to delete after a successful install. (to save space in your ROM)
Installing from App Store
Or, you may also install apps from the authentic Apple App Store as in the first page of your home scree:
Find App Store in the 3rd Row.  
In search you can look for desired apps like QQ or other popular installations.
Tab the small Globe Icon besides SpaceBar to change Input language from En to Cn.
Type 飞信 for instance:
Choose from the result: (The green install button was “Free” before you tab it ):

Tab the install button and you are prompted to enter the password for my Apple ID
Do Not Install any App that is NOT FREE, or I will pay that money instantaneously from my Credit card that has been bonded to this Apple ID Account. Only install from App Store Free Apps. To use paid Apps for free, please use Installous I showed you before. 

The Password is 
(case sensitive)

And there you go, 飞信 is being loaded to your home screen. 

How to delete an App?
Use your finger to tab on any app icon for 3 seconds. you will be able to delete or move your apps around. Tab your home button (the only round shape button in your iphone) once to confirm change.

Tab your home button (the only round shape button in your iphone) twiceconsecutively, to switch between all other apps that is running in the background. 

Enjoy your Iphone 3GS!

 And More!

Last words:
Please go to
for detailed discussion on how to master your Iphone 3GS.